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Operation Warmheart

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The Operation Warmheart is a year-long initiative managed by the Goodfellow AFB First Sergeant Council and is financially supported through fundraising and generous donations from military members and the local San Angelo community. All donations and contributions are redistributed through gifts, monetary loans, grants, and random acts of kindness.

There are a surprising number of unique situations that military aid programs are unable to provide financial assistance for. Here are just a few examples of what this program has been used for:

  • Vehicle repair on the only vehicle for the spouse of a deployed member – they have 9 kids!
  • Flight and lodging for mother of student diagnosed with (and later passed away from) leukemia
  • Groceries and money for water and electric bills when mother of twins suffered brain aneurysm and was medically separated from the Air Force
  • Clothes and food for family who lost everything in house fire until insurance provided compensation
  • Groceries and child care for new mother whose husband left her a single mother with a large financial burden
  • Flight home to allow Airman to remove 3 year old son (disabled-blind, deaf, cerebral palsy) from physically abusive caregiver
  • Loans for two Airmen mistakenly separated by Air Force Personnel Center
  • Lodging for member placed in incorrect training status – mistake not covered by Air Force
  • Flight for single mom with 2 small children – family had third death within a week, third funeral was overseas

Since January 2017, the First Sergeant Council has provided grants, food, and supplies totaling $16,632.27 to our Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and their families for unique emergency situations or financial hardships such as the ones above.

Check Presentation 2020 - Small File Cropped

Funds for Operation Warmheart were raised by San Angelo Support for Veterans Inc., Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Grace Presbyterian Church, and First Presbyterian Church throughout 2019.

The success of Operation Warmheart is a direct reflection of the ‘warm hearts’ of Goodfellow Air Force Base and our local San Angelo community! We are truly thankful for the impact Operation Warmheart has made and we look forward to helping many more military families in 2024. We are humbled by this gracious city and thank you for your support!

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