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Military Affairs Committee

In communities such as San Angelo that are fortunate enough to have a military installation, it is typical for the Chamber of Commerce to create a Military Affairs Committee.  The primary purpose of these committees is to support the mission and personnel of their installations, and Chamber programs vary as to how this support is exhibited.  A secondary objective is to have a structure in place to act quickly when there is a need for urgent action, such as a fiscal emergency, or the need to respond to a BRAC evaluation.

The San Angelo Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee is typical in many ways; however, the exemplary relationship between the San Angelo community and Goodfellow Air Force Base is what our active duty military tell us is different.  Our Military Affairs Committee has been in place for many decades, and the support of the civilian community has been evident from the beginning.

The Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee is comprised of civilian business men and women, City and County officials, retired military, and a few active duty representatives from the Base.  The Committee plans and implements numerous programs to demonstrate support for the Base and its personnel on a regular basis.

The Chamber's Military Affairs Committee heads up the following events and initiatives:

  • Goodfellow Appreciation Day
  • Operation Warmheart
  • The Great Cookie Caper
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