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Economic Development

The San Angelo Chamber’s Economic Development Department strives to make San Angelo, and the Concho Valley region, a model for "producing in the market". We strengthen entrepreneurial liberty and wealth building opportunities through new-enterprise recruitment, incumbent-business support, and securing a skilled workforce facilitating customer growth, competitive advantage, and overall success in the regional, national, and global marketplace. We are focused on developing a talent pipeline to meet the skills-demand of business and galvanize skilled workforce recruitment so that our region is primed to fill the jobs of tomorrow.

The Economic Development Department is guided by two committees: the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC), which counsels staff on initiatives, methods, policies, and goals; and the San Angelo Regional Manufacturers Alliance (SARMA), which advises staff on initiatives and goals to support the San Angelo manufacturing, fabrication, and energy services community.

Unlock Your Business Growth in San Angelo, Texas

A Hotspot for Economic Prosperity

Local Advantages

San Angelo is one of the best small cities for business. Natural population growth, a fast growing consumer base, relatively low cost of doing business, and the highest quality of life ranking in the state make San Angelo an attractive destination for relocating workers.


For more information on the Economic Development Department of the Chamber, please visit their website,!

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