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President’s Weekly Update: March 10

March 10, 2021


Members of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce:


Today is an historic day for Texas. Governor Abbott’s mask mandate has been lifted and all businesses are able to operate at 100%. This change of policy is driving a great deal of discussion in our business community and in our community at large. Many inquiries have been coming into the Chamber regarding this development and there appears to be some confusion or misunderstanding as to what this move means and how it is to be implemented.


The lifting of the mask mandate does not mean that we should not wear masks when appropriate. It furthermore means that our local businesses can continue to obligate their customers and staff to wear masks if they so choose. This action simply gives individuals and businesses the prerogative to make their own decision regarding mask wearing, social distancing and capacity limits. Some businesses will choose to be more permissive regarding the protocols and some will continue with the full implementation of the previously mandated procedures. Customers will have the choice as to the measures they personally take and the option of which business to patronize and which social events to attend based on their personal risk tolerance.


Unfortunately, there has been some polarization in the public forum around this issue and many strong opinions are being offered. There are those who see mask wearing, social distancing and capacity limits as an infringement on our personal rights and liberties.  On the other hand, there are those who see resistance to the adherence to the protocols as actions that reflect selfishness and lack of caring for others. The reality is far more nuanced and complex. Everyone comes from a different background and personal history. Over the past year everyone has also been impacted differently by the pandemic. These differences have inevitably influenced individual opinion. It is important that as a community we support and respect each other’s perspectives and prerogatives. Let us also all remember that, despite our great numbers now, complacency is our enemy. Let’s continue to work together to do the right things to ensure continued progress.


The 105th Annual Chamber Banquet was a huge success. My wife MG and I were so pleased to see old friends and to meet many of you for the first time. I want to thank once again all of those including our staff, Board, sponsors, and attendees who made this great event a reality. We are indeed ready to take on 2021 as a unified team and I’m more optimistic than ever that we have a great future ahead of us.


We are pleased to announce that we have had ten consecutive months of net membership growth at the Chamber. If you know of a business that is not yet part of our Chamber family, please let them know that they are most welcome!


We have a great calendar of activities planned so visit our new and improved website at often as we are continually providing updates. We have successfully navigated some very challenging times together as a community. I believe more than ever that in good times and in times of challenge there is nowhere else on the planet that I would rather be than San Angelo, Texas!


Stay safe and keep well. We deeply appreciate you all.


Walt Koenig

President and CEO

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce

Personal Cell: (321) 474-1332